This online database lynx.vef.hr provides information about lynx presence in Republic of Croatia. It contains data of animals and their traces, photos taken by „photo-traps“, mortality reports or presumable poaching.
Lynx is one of the endangered and protected species in Croatia. In order to efficiently protect and manage the population, it is crucial to gather all the available data.
If you have photographs, whereabouts of lynxes or their traces and preys, we invite you to provide us with the information. This way you can actively contribute in protection of this extremely endangered species. All the information we receive by various people or institutions will not be used or made public without the consent of authors. We value each information we can find.
This online database is available to public. On the left side of the map, you can find a menu where you can filter needed data according to type, timeframe, animals and the institution or people who provided the information. By clicking the mark on the map you can easily view all the available data about that location. In order to protect the animals, their locations might vary up to a couple of hundered of meters.
Based on the received photos, we are able to distinct individual animals by observing specific patterns on their fur. Also, the aim of photoidentification is to precisely determine the number and movement of lynxes.
Authors of this online database are employees of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb. If you have any questions about the project please contact the following:
Assoc. prof. Tomislav Gomerčić, PhD
Assist. prof. Magda Sindičić, PhD
Vedran Slijepčević
Ivana Selanec
Data from database must not be used without signed permission of the staff mentioned before.